WEMA Loyalty Benefits

Gift card

Gift Card

The perfect gift for any occasion, get your WEMA Gift Card and make them Smile.

Membership Card

Membership Card

It’s always good to get something back and save. With WEMA’s Loyalty Card you can earn points to achieve many surprises. Click on our Loyalty tab for more info.

1-Year Guarantee

1-Year Guarantee

We offer a 1 year guarantee on all power tools bought at WEMA. We promise that if your power tool breaks within a year, we will repair or give you a new one. How awesome is that!

Screen Cutting

Screen Cutting

Need a specific size of screen for your project? Feel free to drop in at our Customer Service.

Repair & Maintenance

Repair & Maintenance

Have an old power tool or a machine that needs one-on-one attention? We have trained technicians just for that. Drop it off at our Customer Service and we will handle the rest.

Tool Rental

Tool Rental

Need a tool just for one project? No problem. At WEMA Rental and Repair we offer many tools for rent. Click on the blue button on top to get more information.

Free Estimate

Free Estimate

To make your buying experience easier and cost effective, we offer to make a free estimate on the number of products you will need to build or remodel your project. Just drop by our Customer Service to get all the courtesy you need.



Payment made easy, we accept them all cash, check, credit- or debit card, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. You name it, we take it  🙂

Transport & Delivery

Transport & Delivery

Need it today, tomorrow or in a week? No hassle, just arrange it with our Customer Service for your specific delivery dates.

Interior Advice

Expert Advice

At WEMA we have Expert specialist with many years of experience devoted just for you. Through a phone call, website or one-on-one, we are always here to help.

Key Cutting

Key Cutting

It is always a good idea to have some spare keys of the most important keys of your Home, Office or Car. Make a spare key while shopping.

Paint Mixing

Paint Mixing

With our 20,000+ colors in our database from any brand, mixing paint would be just a walk in the park

Color Scanning

Color Scanning

Want your color in mind to come to life? With our elite color scanning mechanism, we can match the paint with color of your bedsheet to your picture frames in your house.

How to Manuals

How to Manuals

We’re taking the CIY (Create It Yourself) to a whole different level. Visit our Customer Service in each store to get the exact Know-How on your projects. Web videos to one-by-one instructions specialized just for you.

Cutting Service

Cutting Service

Need to cut lumber to fit in your car. No problem, we will cut it and make it fit.

Open 6 days a week

Open 6 days a week

We know time is precious, so we are open 6 days a week. From Monday to Saturday we are open 8-to-5 for your convenience.



Did not love your product or bought the wrong one? No problem, bring it within 24 hours and we will be happy to give your money back or exchange for the right product.

Special Order

Special Order

Did not find a product you were looking for in store, we got you covered again. Visit our customer service and we can special order over 60,000 products.

House Plan Calculations

House Plan Calculations

Let us help you with building or renovating your Home or Office.  Bring your floor plan at the Customer Service and we will take care of the rest.

100% Personal

100% Personal

It’s good to communicate in the language you’re comfortable with. Papiamento, Spanish, Dutch or English, we are multilingual just for you.

Outdoor Kitchen Customization

Outdoor Kitchen Customization

Customize your dream outdoor kitchen with Bull grills. The last grill you will ever buy.  Superior quality with LIFETIME warranty. You Design within your Budget. Click here for more info.


Kids Corner

Kids Corner

Coming Soon. To make your shopping experience more peaceful and enjoyable, each of our stores has a kids’ corner to keep the kids entertained while you shop It’s a win-win situation.

Demos & Workshops

Demos & Workshops

Coming Soon. We will be having some fun and helpful CIY workshops. (Create It Yourself)


Are you interested in any of our services or have a question for us?

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